Awesome 4th reading. It took me ten sittings or so to finish it this time, which is unusual, but it also gave me time to chew and digest things differently. It was all about religion and Eastern philosophy this time, though I don't have the time or the mood to delve deeper into it. I started a few articles on S. and his religious interests, though. What struck me most, probably, was how wonderful a play this could have been. Think of all that lovely sharp dialogue and the simple yet wonderful setting, plus the minute, vivid description of the Glass's living room - 5 acts tops, if you include both stories.
[ To be totally honest, I cannot see why I was so crazy about Zooey in the first place. I like him, sure, but where did all that infatuation come from? Him being so nice (blunt, yes! but still nice) to Franny? I don't think so. Or so nasty to Bessie? Whatever, I think I might have a thing for Buddy right now. :))]
Definitely my favourite piece of Salinger’s fiction, despite it lacking a plot, as I have read some complain about. Or, should I say, because of it?
For some unknown reason I tend to read the book in winter – I’ve always thought the so-called action of the book takes place in January, but no, it’s November. However, to me it feels like a winter book (sometimes I feel books have their own season) and should be read accordingly. For the same reason
The Picture of Dorian Gray is an autumn book, while
On the road is definitely a summer book.
Well, anyway, I don’t re-read so very often, because most of the times I feel I’m cheating on the new books. But with some of them it’s different, and you get to see everything from a different angle each time. The first two times I focused on Zooey, but this time I got to see Franny more clear. (Don’t worry Zooey darling, you’re still my no 1 crush when it comes to literary characters.)
And since I don’t seem to be saying anything worth reading about the book itself, here’s a paragraph I liked a lot:
"I don't think it would have all got me quite so down if just
once in a while - just once in a while - there was at least some polite little per
functory implication that knowledge
should lead to
wisdom, and that if it
doesn't, it's just a disgusting waste of time! But there never is! You never even hear any
hints dropped on a campus that wisdom is
supposed to be the
goal of knowledge. You hardly ever even hear the word 'wisdom' mentioned! Do you want to hear something funny? Do you want to hear something really funny? In almost four years of college - and this is the absolute
truth - in almost four years of college, the only time I can remember ever even
hearing the expression 'wise man' being used was in my freshman year, in Political Science! And you know how it was used? It was used in reference to some nice old poopy elder statesman who'd made a fortune in the stock market and then gone to Washington to be an adviser to President Roosevelt.
Honestly, now! Four years of college, almost! I'm not saying that happens to
everybody, but I just get so
upset when I think about it I could die."